Selection of the correct High Pressure Hydraulic Control Unit (HC) for the application should be done in consultation with your PFA representative. Different options are selected to match installation kit requirements for cross connecting zones, check valves, die lifter reliefs, etc.
Feature summary for typical usage:
Option HM: Hydro-Mechanical (HM) clamps, also known as locking clamps, are hydraulically actuated and then mechanically locked during press operations. They need to be re-pressurized in order for the mechanical locks to be released. HM in the module part number indicates the addition of a hydraulic pressure booster button to make unlocking simple and easy.
Option DL: Hydraulic Die Lifter Rails provide exceptional lift capacity, but need to be lowered prior to clamping. DL in the part number indicates the addition of a pressure relief valve to help protect the rails in the event dies are clamped before rails are lowered.
Mounting Options C, R, S, B, and P: A group of removable (Quick Disconnect) capable systems are designated either Carriable (C) or Roll-Away/Rolling Stand (R). They combine the feature of portability with an umbilical designed to disconnect air and hydraulics for storage or use on multiple press installations. Typically used for systems without clamps (Die Lifters Only) or with Locking style (L) Clamps.
Permanently installed systems are available without a mount – Stationary (S) with lugs on the bottom for customer designed mounting, Bracket (B) with a small separate shelf, or Pedestal (P) a fixed stand to place the controls at operator height. Bracket (B) and Pedestal (P) mounts may be ordered separately and added to a Stationary (S) unit.
Option PS: For systems employing hydraulic only (non-locking) clamps, it is necessary to provide multiple zones to Ram Clamps for redundant sources of pressure. Typical installation recommendations show half of the upper clamps interspersed or cross-connected on one zone and the remaining clamps on a separate zone to ensure 50% clamping force if one zone experiences an unexpected loss of pressure The controller is also dedicated to the press and a pressure switch (PS) is added to the controller to provide integration with the press control to stop the press on loss of system pressure. Maintaining dedicated controller connections and using the Pressure Switch (PS) option is minimally required/recommended when using non-locking clamps.
Option PC: Check valves to each clamp is also an option often requested by customers using non-locking clamps. Each clamp has an inline pilot operated check valve and allows use of a single zone for all upper clamps. To provide pilot pressure to open the clamps, an opening pilot circuit (PC) is added to the zone used to operate the upper clamps.
- Air inlet pressure/150 psi maximum/70 psi minimum
- Oil temperature range of 50˚-120˚F
- All hydraulic hose fittings are 37 flare
- Internal air regulator is pre-set to approximately 70 psi for 5,000 psi hydraulic output to the clamps
- 0-10,000 psi gauges for each circuit except electrically actuated module
- Mechanical valves are low friction with metal to metal seals and check valves to isolate each hydraulic circuit. Electronic valves are 24 VDC poppet valves.
Part Combinations and Recommended Module Options
- Hydraulic Die Lifters Only – Choose a single hydraulic circuit (1 zone) carriable module for convenient use and storage. Great for single or multiple systems. Example: HC-105C-DL
- Hydro-Mechanical Locking Clamps Only – Choose a two hydraulic circuit (2 zone) carriable or larger roll-around module for greater convenience. HM booster is added for «L» clamp. Typically one hydraulic circuit is connected to the Ram Clamps and the other to the Bolster Clamps. Example: HC-125C-HM; HC-120S-HM
- Hydro-Mechanical Locking Clamps and Die Lifter Combination – Choose a three hydraulic circuit (3 zone) module when Hydro-Mechanical Locking Clamps and Die Lifters are used. Example: HC-130R-HM-DL
- Hydraulic-Only Clamps* – Choose a three hydraulic circuit (3 zone) module and cross connect top clamps to two separate zones. Since there are no locks, this will be a dedicated always connected controller with pressure sensing switch. Example: HC-130S-PS
- Hydraulic-Only Clamps* with Die Lifters – Choose a four hydraulic circuit (4 zone) module when cross connecting a dedicated controller for non-locking clamps with Die Lifters. Example HC-140S-PS-DL
* Clamps may also be secured with check valves to each clamp and operated with pilot control from the power unit Pilot Circuit (PC) option. Call PFA for details.