Installation Kit reference numbers are derived from the style of clamps, the way they are connected hydraulically, the number of controller zones and die lifters.
DI – ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ – ▢ DL – R
Box 1 = # of Ram Clamps
Box 2 = Ram clamp connection: X if Cross Connected, L if locking clamps, C if check valved clamps, S if all on a single zone.
Box 3 = # of Bolster Clamps
Box 4 = Bolster clamp connection: X if Cross Connected, L if locking clamps, C if check valved clamps, S if all on a single zone.
If needed, continue with Box 5 for the number of die lifter rails. If no die lifters then Box 5 and DL are not needed. If no clamps are used, then Boxes 1-4 are eliminated.
Finally the -R is included if the system has a removable controller – Carriable or Roll Around version. The R denotes the addition of a quick disconnect manifold to support connection of the Carriable and Roll Around version of the Controllers that have the mating air and hydraulic adaptors.
The clamp connection also gives some indication of recommended controller components to fully support the application. For example Locking clamps “L” require a “HM” booster button option. Non-locking clamps require always installed controllers with a Pressure Switch (PS) option for estop integration. Die Lifter applications require a DL designation to ensure a Relief Valve is installed for protection of die lifters if the press is closed with the die lifters in the raised position. Contact your PFA application specialist for details.
A few typical examples:
Locking clamps only system (4 clamps Ram and 4 clamps Bolster)
The clamps were selected to be locking to allow the use of the hydraulic control unit on multiple press installations. Thus it is desired to have the hydraulic control unit and the installed system to have quick disconnects, so -R is added. DI-4L4L-R. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 2 zones or valves (1 top and 1 bottom) and the HM option to provide a boost to unlock the clamps. Either the smaller carriable unit HC-125C-HM or larger Roll Away unit HC-120R-HM is appropriate.
Locking clamps system (4 clamps Ram and 4 clamps Bolster) with 2 Die Lifters
The clamps were selected to be locking to allow the use of the hydraulic control unit on multiple press installations. Thus it is desired to have the hydraulic control unit and the installed system to have quick disconnects, so -R is added. DI-4L4L-2DL-R. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 3 zones or valves (1 top, 1 bottom, and 1 for the die lifters) requiring the larger sized controller with a Roll Away (R) option for portability. Additionally, the HM option is added to provide a boost to unlock the clamps, and the DL option is added to provide a relief valve internally for the die lifters. HC-130R-HM-DL
Non-Locking clamps only system (4 clamps Ram and 4 clamps Bolster)
The clamps were selected for use as a dedicated QDC system with a fixed installation hydraulic control unit. As the clamps do not lock, 2 each of the 4 clamps are connected to separate zones in a cross-connected fashion. The lower 4 clamps are on a single zone. DI-4X4S. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 3 zones or valves (1 for half of the top clamps, 1 for the other half of the top clamps, and 1 for the bottom). The unit is stationary (S) and mounted on a customer supplied shelf. A pressure switch (PS) is added for estop integration to shut down the press on the loss of hydraulic pressure from the pump. HC-130S- PS
Non-Locking clamp system (6 clamps Ram and 6 clamps Bolster) with 4 Die Lifters
The clamps were selected for use as a dedicated QDC system with a fixed installation hydraulic control unit. As the clamps do not lock, 3 each of the 6 ram clamps are connected to separate zones in a cross-connected fashion. The lower 6 clamps are on a single zone. DI-6X6S-4DL. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 3 zones or valves (1 for half of the top clamps, 1 for the other half of the top clamps, and 1 for the bottom clamps). A pressure switch (PS) is added for estop integration to shut down the press on the loss of hydraulic pressure from the pump. The DL option is added to provide a relief valve internally for the die lifters HC-130S-PS-DL
Non-Locking clamps only system (4 clamps Ram and 4 clamps Bolster) with added check valves on all clamps
The clamps were selected for use as a dedicated QDC system with a fixed installation hydraulic control unit. Check valves dedicated to each clamp. Each set of 4 clamps have a single zone valve. DI-4C4C. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 2 zones or valves (1 for the top and 1 for the bottom). The unit is stationary (S) and mounted on a customer supplied shelf. A pressure switch (PS) is added for estop integration to shut down the press on the loss of hydraulic pressure from the pump. A pilot circuit (PC) is added for each zone (PC2) to port hydraulics to each group of check valves to release the clamps when operating them to the open position. HC-120S PS-PC2
Non-Locking clamp system (4 clamps ram and 2 clamps bolster) with added check valves on upper clamps and 2 Die Lifters
The clamps were selected for use as a dedicated QDC system with a fixed installation hydraulic control unit. Ram has 4 clamps for load balancing and bolster 2 clamps. Check valves dedicated to each clamp on the ram only. DI-4C2S-2DL. The hydraulic control unit for this system would have 3 zones or valves (1 for the top, 1 for the bottom, and 1 for the die lifters). The unit is stationary (S) and mounted on a customer supplied shelf. A pressure switch (PS) is added for estop integration to shut down the press on loss of hydraulic pressure from the pump. A pilot circuit (PC) for the top zone is added only (PC1) to port hydraulics to the top zone of check valves to release the clamps when operating them to the open position. HC-130S-PS-PC1-2DL